Loosing Grip.Dead.Numb.You!

You may feel I’m weird.

You may say that I’m totally emo.

But only if you’d be in my place,

You’d get to know what it’s like to have a numb heart!

I don’t feel real anymore.

I was just left there to cry as he walked away…

Trust me, I froze!

He used to love me,

He used to hug me,

Didn’t he feel me lock my arms around him...?

Why did he have to go?

I’m loosing it all

Even my tears refuse to come out…

It’s as if my world’s all over,

It’s like I’m dying a painful death!

I don’t wanna cry anymore,

I wanna let go.

But baby, I loved you.

Too bad you didn’t care!

Love’s already dead for me now.

But now it’s haunting me,

I really don’t know how long I’ll be able to hang on

Cause I’m already loosing my grip

And trust me, I’m numb.

Totally. Forever!


  1. me too on the verge of it !! but hope it doesnt happen so !

  2. i like it! im back again, sorry. i have another blog now, i had to make a new one. hopefully the last one.

  3. sorry i been without the internet for a while but i'm back, and i see you still got talent flowing from that wrist of yours

  4. I was just thinking about you last night and today your chat is in my inbox. gr8!

    go and be a superhero!

  5. wow yaar!!jus sooo rocking!!hope it isn't true...!

  6. thank you so much, your comment meant a lot to me. :)

  7. such love, such pain !! simply beautiful ... When one reachs the point of no return , then Sometimes the way only to go is ahead or Up ...

    Beautifully put as always ...


  8. where i used to live, thered be barely any spring or fall, mostly summer and winter. it was pretty bad, with the drastic changes in temperatre. it was still nice though :)

  9. love is never dead

    you are too young too understand it kid .....just kidding :)

  10. omigoshies that was so poignant to me...

  11. Hey Sweets....Was kinda busy wid some work....Hw u doing :)...I must tell u dis over n over again ur so talented

  12. ummm just awesome!!

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