
I can say that you’ve been on my mind
Since I saw you that day.
The hair of yours that fell on your face,
That lovely smile which made you look so bright,
How can I forget?

The walk we took in the dark,
I felt I had found the one I want.
But never did I know that
You would be with me for just a day.

How my heart ached when,
I had to bid you goodbye…
It had all just began
When you vanished
And off you went away.

It’s been ages since
I saw that smile of yours.
It’s been a long time
Since we spoke to each other.

How I miss that day,
We spent together
That I just can’t wait
To see you again…
If I ever get a chance to!


  1. Thanks. I love mermaids but I actually didn't like Aquamarine. I don't think they did mermaids justice.

  2. aww...we've all experienced such sentiments!

  3. i'm in mount carmel...........8th grade......n u?????i've sent u invitation on orkut!!!

  4. Wow. I like it.

    Look at the post Tell The World on my blog.


  5. Hey DeAtH Pr!nCeSs,

    I wanted to thank you for viewing my blog. ;) I really appreciate it.
    I was wondering actually... May I put up your blog, for my list of blogs to read? I always ask permission before posting anyone's blog up. ;)

    My Regards

  6. Thanks so much for the comment.

    Really a unique poem.

    Stay creative!

  7. Hey! Thanks for loving my blog.

    Great poem. You have a really awesome way with words when it comes to poetry.

    About your comment what book or post are you talking about?
    Loosing a friend....?

    I need to know!
    I'm going to have a sleepless night thinking about what post you meant!


  8. This one is nice too! I love this one. But I like Near+Dear more. It is so unique and very interesting to hear. I also like this one too. It will be 2nd favorite. :]


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