St()pped Expect!ng And Pred!ct!ng...

I had made up my mind that science is not for me. I mean, yea. I love science. It's interesting...but well I never did well in science after coming to the ninth grade. Ya, I know...I got really distracted and my mind was totally off studies, but I never thought I'd like, do so bad in science.
I was dreading my science paper like I had said...and ya, it went really bad! After coming to high school, I've stopped predicting my marks. Once the exam's over, I keep away my paper. I don't dare to discuss it cause I know that by doing so, I'm only going to spoil my mood...and in turn I'll hurt others! And I'm sick of hurting people who love me. It really hurts, you know. I do things I don't mean to...and later on, I cry over them! But there are two people in my life who have tolerated my craziness and stupidity for a very long time and they still are doing so. They are my mum and my sister.
I love my sister more than anybody else! She troubles me, she makes me cry but I wish I'd have paid attention to some of her stuff. She told me that 9th is hard. She told me to work hard for science, but well...I did listen to her. IN THE LAST MOMENT! When nothing could be done!
My life's only filled with 'if only'...'but'...'why'...and many more questions. After i do something wrong, I'm always like... If only I'd have used my brains! Anyways, it's over now. I worked hard. But I didn't work hard enough to catch up with the paper I found so tough!
But ya, even luck never supports me. When I say and feel that my exam has gone good, it always turns out to be the opposite. That's why I've stopped predicting and expecting stuff. Now I've left everything. Whatever has to happen, will happen! I'll have to digest it!
I've got one more paper left and I really have to study for it, else I don't know what's gonna happen to me! I just hope I get through the 9th! I hope I don't flunk. bloggers really rock! I love your comments. It's nice to know that somebody appreciates my work! Love ya all!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
So, I'm outta here now! Take Care! Tada :@



  1. Think you should call me. Don't worry, I am by your side always. And no running away thoughts, okay?

  2. hey gal...!!....dun worry...if not studies then poetry...u r gr8 @ it...!!...n all d best 4 d rest...!!

  3. dont worry juhi...
    aftr reading ur blog..iam thinking of my school days...i was a pathetic student geuninly speaking..n i dunno how i got out of school...u hated science..maths..n socials..all my major subjects..but still i got
    dont worry all will be fine...juss believe in ur self..n study as much as u can cozi knw u knw u dont wanna flunk.. n i think u wont for sure ..betchya...anywayz all the best n dont worry much...n juss give ur examz..n wait for the results to come..n das it..leave it all..

  4. hey i appreciate you right back when you comment on my work, but hey keep yo head up cuz, every body has stuff they wish they could change but life is life and nobody i know owns a time machine so we just gotta live for the now and future

  5. What's done is done, so don't worry about that. The results are still to come, and like you said, you never know. All the best, and take care. Cheers...

  6. So science is not your thing... so what?! Like you said, what has to happen will happen and you'll find something that IS your thing <3

    And we (dedicated friends and readers of your blog) will always be here for you!

  7. dont worry, i know science isnt the best, i hate it so much, i do terribly in it :P but everything will hopefully work out in the end, it usually does. and good luck with your paper!

  8. hey....
    dont u worry...
    it happens...
    n see u ll hv good things...

    All the best...
    keep smiling :)

  9. Dnt worry !! You will do jsut fine !! :) tk cre ! miss ya poems dearie

  10. You have put in a lot of effort, and you will get the returns.
    God's blessings are sometimes visible, and often disguised!
    And yeah, just two people who put up with you and your pranks? You got to think harder dear.....

  11. 9th grade's nothing big. Enter the 10th grade and that's where everything is high except perhaps, the marks. Your poetry's abso gr8. So why worry about those dubious sciences. Have a nice time!



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