Back T() Stud!es

Ya, this sounds crazy but yep, I have to start studying from today even tough I have a whole months vacation to go! Dunno how, but nowadays I get up quite early in the morning. Earlier I slept untill late morning. Sometimes I used to wake up at twelve :D And now, I get up at seven ! Funny!

I was downloading songs yesterday. I got Lil Wayne's Lolipop. While I was downloading, I was really bored. If I use the net while downloading, the downloading hangs. So, I made this drawing in Paint! :)

I think grey eyes look really cool. I've written another poem. It's called "Ain't No Barbie!" Will post it the next time. Also I painted my nails black and blue and black and pink. It looks good, I guess :)

That's all for now.
Take care!


  1. studying again?! ugh, that sucks, im sorry. :P and that is a cool drawing, way better than i could ever do on the computer. (; cant wait till you post your next poem! :)

  2. good ur studying again :)..


  3. Studying again so soon...
    sorry not cup of my tea.. :D

    hv fun....


  4. lol, bad bad days are here again.

  5. Hey thanks so much for following!

    urg sucks for you. Since I did transition year this year I don't have any study or homework. lolz God bless the irish school system!

  6. U knw what? Even i am 14 and evn ive to study! Poor us teens! Well anyways..i loved ur blog! Check out mine! U might like it!

  7. Nice pic there, and yes, grey eyes do look good :D

    Hope you net picks up... best of luck for the exams, cheers...

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog Juhi and do come back soon!


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