I'm Back!!!! :D :P

Hi Guys !
I'm back!
Ya, I still have two more exams to go, but I guess I couldn't stop myself from posting! :)
Well...as per my papers. They were okay. Not really great! Social Studies was bad and English was the best! The subject I dread is still left though :D S-C-I-E-N-C-E !!!!!!!!!! :( :(
I lost a few followers..Umm...
Anyways, here's something I've written!

I look into the mirror,
I feel like breaking the face of the person I see.
I stare hard, my eyes glaring...
Trying to figure out what was wrong in me.

My vision gets blur
I close my fists tight.
I wanna calm down...
Wanna say it's fine.

I wanna tear the picture of you
I hold.
I wanna rub off that smile off your face.
But whenever I try to do so,
My knees go weak
And before I know,
I'm on the ground...
Saying, "Please be mine, please!"

Take Care Guys!


  1. Huh, does that mean I am that person? lol, hope someone loves me this much.

  2. heya....dun wry....u still hav a lot of followers:)
    and loved ur poet...its gr8...i wonder how such rockind thots cum into ur mind during xams!!

  3. it's hard to hurt the ones you love and you spelled fist (just so the readers can understand) wrong but great poem as usual

  4. Strong!!! I have always sensed a more song-like approach in your... poems. Makes it a tad more interesting to me, frankly.

    And, yea, as Notion spotted, it is "fist" not fits. Must be a typo.

    Umm, yet again, there is an award waiting at my spot for you. Kindly visit while free.

    I have added myself to the follower's list. Cheers!!!

    All the best for your exams!!!

  5. rocking though u have exams?? ooooff!!

  6. Nice poem. I love the emotion behind it it's very layered. I have no idea if that made any sense, but it was a compliment ;P I haven't been making a lot of sense lately lol

    Good luck with your paper and your exams!

  7. I love your blog template, btw. It rocks!

  8. hah, i usually get high 80s or 90s. and its good to have you back! very good poem, i loved it! :)

  9. Such desperation ... so sad !!! :(

    Wish i didn't feel like tearing off people's heads off and on :d


  10. oye... need not to be sad n feel bad...
    i thr for u...
    as a follower of ur blog toooo....

    hehehe...jst kidding..
    hey Exams r bad na... i knw bcz mine too r going ...only one left + viva....
    so abt ur post..as beautiful as u r....
    very nicely pen down....

    cheers :)

  11. good luck for the xams !! nice lines here but y so painful ??

  12. Hey, good luck with your exams firstly. And, another brilliant poem there as always :) cheers, and welcome back... albeit for a little while...

  13. I wouldn't worry about losing followers. Its just part of the blogging experince!


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