Live Life, Queen Size :)
Dedicated to all the girls who read it :) Smile. Show me your teeth Say Cheese!!! Yea, Laugh like a joker, But show me some gesture of being happy. Get up, Tidy up your mind. Open your eyes, Life is beautiful Just give it a try! You checked out so many guys, You tried so many different hairstyles, This time, check out life, It’s an amazing brand, you’ll see! You don’t need to go to any mall You don’t need to dress up for it, You don’t need to spend money, It’s right here, just open up your heart. Don’t let negativity compete with life, Don’t let depression win over. Look at the brighter side… Get addicted to it, cause this addiction is good! Life comes just once. If you miss it, it’ll be gone forever. You won’t even know when it’ll pass, And when it does, you won’t even realize. So, Live like it’s your last day. Dream, like it’s all going to come true. Eat chocolat...