Her innocent laugh,
Her glittering eyes.
Her light heart..
Flies high!
Nothing to worry about,
Lost in her own world,
She swings...
Hoping she will reach the sky

A shadow's cast
Over her innocent life...
With a heavy heart
She tries to fly.
Lost in a maze, of guilt and lies,
She swings high
That her cries will be heard.
That she can find the glitter lost in her eyes!

[Picture taken from Google]


  1. Why must you always swing between the extremes? There's a thing called balance and it would do you good to attempt at creating a character who carries both happiness and misery within her. That is the real strength of writing.

    Other than that, it's as good as I would expect from you, but you can and should aim higher. :)

  2. Lovely poem and i loved the picture. :)

  3. @Rose: She does that always....

    But she is good writer....

  4. Perhaps, the world shows its ugly face to innocent beings lending them a heavy heart. The not so innocent ones, well, they make up the world.

    Nice read, I do hope she soars despite of everything that might seem wrong.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  5. i hope she finds that glitter as well...there is a nice contrast in the two stanzas...

  6. Hope her heavy heart's cleared...and her silent cries are heard

    Nice poem :)


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